If you have not done so already, you’ll want to find the right pediatrician within your network. You can use these pointers to make your decision easier.
- How close do you live to the pediatrician’s office?
Finding a pediatrician close to home comes in handy. Driving long distances with sick kids is no fun for anyone involved.
- What’s the doctor’s office like?
Stop by and take a look around. Is the waiting room clean and welcoming? Are the staff members friendly and helpful? Do patients look frustrated with long wait times?
- What are the office hours and after-hours polices?
Little ones can need medical attention at all hours of the day or night. Find out when the office is open and how they handle after-hours needs.
- Is the doctor a solo practitioner or part of a group practice?
Is it easy to get an appointment with your doctor when you need it? What happens if he/she is unavailable? Find out who else your child might see for medical care.
- Ask around. Check your network.
Find out which pediatricians your own doctor recommends. Ask your friends and family who they take their kids to. Look for online reviews as well. Check your network for recommended pediatricians.