Shopping for short-term insurance? This is important
As you are shopping, remember that Short-Term insurance plans and ACA plans are not comparable products.
ACA health plans are guaranteed issue, meaning you cannot be denied coverage based on preexisting conditions. Also, ACA plans are required to cover certain minimum essential health benefits. Also, generally speaking, as long as you pay the premium, you can keep your ACA health plan.
Short-Term health insurance is not required to cover the same benefits. Plans can vary in what they cover. Also, they typically do not cover preexisting medical conditions. A series of medical questions determines your eligibility for these plans. Also, short term insurance is only available for up to 4 months total coverage (3 months + a 1-month extension) in a 12-month period.
So, while you may save money choosing Short Term, be sure you are paying for the right coverage for you before you buy.